Saving the dream of a grassroots sport based on values (SAVE IT)

Funding company


The SAVE IT project is a collaborative partnership that enables a group of stakeholders from sporting and educational backgrounds to collaborate on a project aimed at supporting innovative and educational approaches to contain violence and address racism, discrimination and intolerance in grassroots sports.

The main objective of the project is to promote the recognition of sporting values as a key element to fight intolerance, racism, and other forms of discrimination, to promote integration, and to draw attention to their relevance for the holistic development of our young people.

ID: 579893-EPP-1-2016-2-ES-SPO-SCP
Scope: International
Funding support: 392.182,40 €


Start date

January 1, 2017

End Date

June 30, 2019

Research areas

As Eupen VoG
Clube Desportivo Panther Force GAIA
Fare Network Ltd.
Fundación Altum
Fundación Culturalista
L’Association Internationale de la Presse SPOR
Rugby Colorno
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid